Thermochemical routes for renewable energy production

Another fundamental research area led by E-Renova, thermochemical routes are a set of processes that use thermal energy to produce renewable energy from sources such as biomass, municipal waste, renewable natural gas, among others. These processes involve the combustion, gasification, and pyrolysis of these materials, generating gases that can be used as fuels or raw materials for the production of electricity, hydrogen, biofuels, and other chemicals.


A thermochemical process that converts biomass into a syngas (synthesis gas), which can be used in the production of electricity or hydrogen. Biomass gasification is a promising alternative for renewable energy production as it utilizes a renewable resource and is capable of producing a clean and high-quality fuel.


A thermochemical process that breaks down biomass into gases, liquids, and solids. Bio-oil is one of the main products of pyrolysis, being a liquid with high energy density that can be used in biofuel production. Biochar, on the other hand, is a porous solid with high nutrient absorption capacity, used in agriculture as organic fertilizer.

Thermochemical routes are a promising alternative for renewable energy production from sources such as biomass. The utilization of these routes enables the production of clean and versatile energy, contributing to the reduction of reliance on non-renewable sources and the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions.